06 Mar Books on self-discovery that would help part 1
Why I need books on self-discovery?
Beginning of last year in 2019 I started to feel lost. I lost touch of myself and didn’t know what to do. I am still on my maternity leave, but when it ends I do not have a job to go back to anymore and it all made me a little bit scared of the future. I wanted to do something creative for earning money to feel happier. I started my own graphic design business but I could not find the passion to actually do the work. I love graphic design and being creative but something was stopping me to do it all.
So I started to look around the internet and asking dr.google what to do next. How to find me and my passion again. I stumbled on some books on self-discovery and I can tell you that the right words have a strong power over anybody.
I am starting to feel like I am now first name bases with myself and because of that, I thought why not start a blog to promote my work and at the same time help out others who have maybe the same struggles, interests, or thoughts on life as I do. I want to find my own tribe through this little creative space.
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I wrote down 10 books on self-discovery on my list to read this year. I have finished 4 of them so far and I am on my 5th one. I thought I would share them in two parts – 5 now and 5 some other time. Maybe you find a new book to read yourself. I have all of the books on my Audible app whilst I like to read it is hard to find the time to do it. So Audible saves me time and really it is the only way I can have my book time. I just put on my headphones during a walk or when I cook or clean.
P.S. My favorite so far has been Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes. This book resonated with me on a different level and as a bonus, I got to know more about the author of one of my favorite TV-shows. So far this is one of the best books on self-discovery in my opinion.
5 Books on self-discovery
1. Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes
She’s the creator of Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and Station 19 and executive producer of How to Get Away With Murder. Her iconic characters live boldly and speak their minds. So who would suspect that Shonda Rhimes is an introvert? That she hired a publicist so she could avoid public appearances? That she suffered panic attacks before media interviews?
With three children at home and three hit television shows, it was easy for Shonda to say she was simply too busy. But in truth, she was also afraid. And then, over Thanksgiving dinner, her sister muttered something that was both wake-up and a call to arms: You never say yes to anything. Shonda knew she had to embrace the challenge: for one year, she would say YES to everything that scared her.
2. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
By sharing stories from her own life, as well as those from her friends and the people that have inspired her, Elizabeth Gilbert challenges us to embrace our curiosity, tackle what we most love, and face down what we most fear.
Whether you long to write a book, create art, cope with challenges at work, embark on a long-held dream, or simply to make your everyday life more vivid and rewarding, Big Magic will take you on a journey of exploration filled with wonder and unexpected joys.”
3. Unf*ck Yourself by Gary John Bishop
This is not the usual self-help book. Make your life one you actually want to live.
This is blunt force trauma to the way you think life has to be for you. Most importantly, it is designed to give you an authentic leg up – one that feels genuine and right for you and can propel you to new levels of greatness. Learn how to:
Combat self-doubt
Deal with your inner critic
Stop comparing yourself to others
Break out of your rut
It will teach you not to look to the outside world for answers but inside yourself. You will learn how to take full responsibility for your life, the highs, and the lows, and you’ll actually feel good about it – no, in fact, you’ll feel f*cking great about it!
4. Don’t Keep Your Day Job: How to Turn Your Passion Into Your Career by Cathy Heller
The pursuit of happiness is all about finding our purpose. We don’t want to just go to work and build someone else’s dream, we want to do our life’s work. But how do we find out what we’re supposed to contribute? What are those key ingredients that push those who succeed to launch their ideas high into the sky, while the rest of us remain stuck on the ground?
Don’t Keep Your Day Job will get you fired up, ready to rip it open, and use your zone of genius to add a little more sparkle to this world. Cathy Heller, host of the popular podcast Don’t Keep Your Day Job, shares wisdom, anecdotes, and practical suggestions from successful creative entrepreneurs and experts, including actress Jenna Fischer on rejection, Gretchen Rubin on the keys to happiness, Jen Sincero on having your best badass life, and so much more. You’ll learn essential steps like how to build your side hustle, how to find your tribe, how to reach for what you truly deserve, and how to ultimately turn your passion into profit and build a life you love.
5. The Little Book of Big Lies:: Your Guide to Inner Fitness by Tina Lifford
An inspiring and illuminating guide to true self-care, from the sage teacher and breakout star of the critically acclaimed drama, Queen Sugar, from Executive Producers Oprah Winfrey and Ava DuVernay for OWN.
Featured on Essence Magazine’s Culture List.
Tina guides you on a journey of self-discovery that will help you turn shame into self-acceptance, self-rejection into self-love, blame into freedom, and old hurt into power. Wise and powerful, The Little Book of Big Lies will completely change how you think and live.
In fourteen raw, personal stories, Tina teaches you how to change your self-perception―to see yourself in the best possible light, to love and honor what you see, and to forge a new sense of what’s possible in every aspect of your life. But make no mistake, The Little Book of Big Lies is not a “rah-rah” quick fix for fear and pain. Like physical fitness, building and maintaining emotional strength requires continued effort. This invaluable book is the foundation you need to start building inner health and well-being so you can thrive.
I hope you liked the first part of books on self-discovery. Don’t miss part 2:
I do a weekly series of inspiring quotes to help me out on my self-discovery journey:
Do You have a favorite book on self-discovery? Which books to you like to read?
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